Designing for Little Creative Factory
Little Creative Factory (BCN)
The pursuit of this project was to carry out a deep analysis and research of Little Creative Factory, a kids and womenswear brand from Barcelona, and get to know its essence and philosophy, and from this research be able to develop two new proposals for children's clothing with their respective variants. An important point of this work is the market study in order to understand with which companies it competes and with which it does not.
The looks have been based on the same trend and follow a visual coherence and concordance with the values ​​of the brand plus applying the concept of sustainability, to try to reduce the impact fashion industry has on the environment.
The final looks were the result of the analysis and the application of the tren Vintage neutrals and denim, using sand tones combined with blue indigo from the denim. All pieces would be made from organic cotton and no dying, the beige colors would be the original one of the fabric, and the denim pieces would be made using the upcycling method, reusing old jeans.
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